Nateghi research in Newswise

Photo of Roshanak Nateghi
Asst. Prof. Roshanak Nateghi
A recent issue of Newswise magazine features Assistant Professor Roshanak Nateghi's research on risk factors in the residential electricity sector.

The November 9 issue states: "A study led by Nateghi, Electric Power System Inadequacy Risk in the Residential Sector, used a place-based, data-driven approach to identify and assess risk factors in the residential electricity sector. Nateghi proposes a decision-making tool that utility companies, energy professionals, policymakers, and regulators can use to design effective strategies to minimize supply inadequacy risks. During severe weather, not having power could cause serious public health impacts."

Her study and others will be presented during two sessions at the 2017 Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia.

  • Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017, 3:30-5:10 p.m.: Power Systems Resilience
  • Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017, 3:30-5:10 p.m.: Infrastructure: Climate Change and Extreme Events

Full article: New Studies Present Models and Strategies for Creating a More Resilient Power System