IE Commencement Reception held Dec. 16

Photo of Lucas Challenger & family
On December 16, the School of Industrial Engineering held a Commencement Reception for IE students who graduated over the weekend.

The School graduated 65 undergraduate students and 28 graduate students, including 3 PhDs. The reception was held in the Peter Wang Student Excellence Center at Grissom Hall. Congratulations, graduates!



Photo of December commencement reception  Grads & their families enjoyed the reception

(l) Reception in Grissom Hall's Peter Wang Student Excellence Center; (r) Academic Advisor Morgan Kuryla (center) with grads Ege Sahin (l) and Can Ozturk (r)

Photo of Lucas Challenger & family Photo of Anita Park with student

(l) Lucas Challenger (BSIE 2018) & family; (r) Grad Program Specialist Anita Park with Wendong Yin (MSIE 2018)

Photo of 5 IE Admin team members Photo of Kirsten Gargas with "Flat Pat"

(l) 6 IE Admin faculty & staff: (l to r) Dave Kotterman, Prof. Bob Kenley, Leza Dellinger, Erin Gough, Steve Duket, & Anita Park; (r) Kirsten Gargas (BSIE 2018) signs a card for absent Pat ("Doc B") Brunese

Photos: DeEtte Starr,