Effective bi-weekly pay period 8 (March 24 – April 7), the central time group will no longer be mass-approving timesheets in a SAVED status. The only time sheets that will be mass-approved are those submitted and pending approval with the supervisor that have not been approved by the Tuesday before payroll is locked.
Employees with a positive time profile must submit their time sheet each week. The employee is responsible for submitting the time sheet to their supervisor (by hitting the Submit button at the bottom of the time sheet). Supervisors must approve time sheets by Monday 10 p.m. following the end of the pay period.
For employees with a negative time profile, no action needs to be taken if they work a normal schedule and do not need to edit the time sheet for any reason.
Use this guide or video to review instructions. Timekeeping training resources are available online.
No off-cycle payments will be processed for any missed payments resulting from a time sheet that was not submitted. Missed payments will be paid in the next pay cycle.